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Academic Coach


Phone: (210) 637-4890

Qualifications: Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Specialization in Reading from Texas A&M University Master of Education in Administration from Texas State University Certifications: Elementary Self-Contained Grades (1-8) Elementary Reading Grades (1-8) Principal as an Instructional Leader (EC-12) Gifted & Talented

Mrs. Barbara Mendez

Hello PVE Bulldog families! My name is Beth Mendez and I have the pleasure of being your Academic Coach.

I am celebrating my 23rd year with JISD! I’ve had the privilege of being a classroom teacher, TAG Facilitator and Trainer, and now a member of the PVE Bulldog Administration as the Academic Coach. Being able to build long-lasting relationships with our communities, teachers and staff, families and students is an integral part of student success. As the Academic Coach and advocate for all students, I facilitate research and evidence-based instructional practices and strategies that align with district and state standards to ensure