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Phone: (210) 637-4890

Qualifications: Bachelors of Science in Education-Texas State University​ ​Masters Degree in School Counseling-Angelo State University​ ​Post Graduate Certification in School Librarianship-Texas Women's University​

Mrs. Megan Blackledge

Hello! My name is Mrs. Blackledge and I am the librarian for Park Village Blended Learning Academy! I am proud to be apart of this great campus!

This is my 18th year in education and my 9th year as a school librarian. Being a school librarian has given me such a great perspective and it has allowed me to grow as an educator.

Reading and helping others is what I love to do! It's my passion! So being a school librarian has allowed me to do just that. To be able to help others find resources and promote the love of reading is truly a dream job for me!